Universal Basic Income (UBI) is a government-guaranteed payment that each citizen receives. It is also called a citizen’s income, guaranteed minimum income, or basic income.
The Food Policy Council of KFL&A supports Universal Basic Income (UBI). We feel this is an essential policy that will improve food insecurity. UBI is a social justice policy that will tackle poverty and offer citizens greater freedom and choices.
Kingston authors Jamie Swift and Elaine Power make the argument for Basic Income. This book describes the history of the Basic Income movement in Canada and internationally. Swift and Power also discuss the COVID 19 pandemic and how it has shown that a stable income is necessary for communities to thrive.
Basic Income Canada Network (BICN)
A voluntary, non-profit, non-partisan organization promoting informed, constructive public dialogue leading to a basic income guarantee in Canada.
Basic Income Canada Youth Network (BICYN)
Established in 2020, the Basic Income Canada Youth Network is a group of engaged young people under 35 years who are passionate about basic income. We work alongside the Basic Income Canada Network, Coalition Canada, and other basic income and youth partners. Through education, community-building, and activism, we mobilize young people in pursuit of a more just society.
Coalition Canada Basic Income
A cross-country alliance of basic income advocacy groups and networks. We are advancing the development of a national movement for basic income in Canada, building alliances and collaborating with advocacy groups, networks and individuals supporting a just recovery in Canada from the COVID-19 pandemic.
UBI Works Canada
We are a group of business leaders, economists, artists, public relations experts, and civic-minded Canadians. We equip Canadians with evidence-based narratives that basic income is a good investment in Canadians and our economy. We are for a guaranteed basic income to keep people out of poverty, as a first step towards a UBI dividend that gives all Canadians a stake in our future.
Ontario Basic Income Network (OBIN)
A coalition committed to seeing Basic Income implemented in Ontario. It's a bold vision of dignity and justice for every Canadian regardless of work status—and we're inviting you to join our growing community of advocates.
Kingston Action Group for a Basic Income Guarantee (KAGBIG)
Established in 2013, Kingston Action Group for a Basic Income Guarantee (BIG) initiated Ontario-wide meetings of basic income advocates in 2015. It holds monthly meetings and initiates actions to build support for the basic income movement. During this year’s Basic Income Week, September 20 - 26 (motto: “Forward to a Better World!”) Kingston’s local basic income group is planning to launch a series of webinars on basic income.
Facebook site: https://www.facebook.com/KingstonBIG
Basic Income Earth Network (BIEN)
BIEN is a network of academics and activists interested in the idea of a basic income. It serves as a link between individuals and groups committed to or interested in basic income, and fosters informed discussion on this topic throughout the world
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